Template In CPP
Templates are the generic data type. It converts into any type of data type automatically. We do not have to write float, int, char, string etc. Note: For both the…
Templates are the generic data type. It converts into any type of data type automatically. We do not have to write float, int, char, string etc. Note: For both the…
When a class contains more than one function with the same name but with different parameters is called the method overloading. By this, a single function can perform multiple tasks that…
A Constructor is a special member function of a class. It initializes the memory object data by default when we create an object of the class. Constructor name is same as…
Scope resolution operator is used to specify the scope of a member function. It is used to access a global variable. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class A { int rno; char name[10];…
The key features of OOPS concept are: 1. Object 2. Class 3. Data Encapsulation 4. Data Abstraction 5. Inheritance 6. Polymorphism 1.Object - This is the basic unit of OOPS.…
This program will ask the user to input a string of maximum 40 characters and then it will count vowels in the given string. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> void main() {…
This program will accept birthyear and birth month from the user and also accept the current year and current month, according to the given input this program will calculate the…
This program will accept item name, quantity and rate and then it will calculate the total amount by multiplying "q" and "r". Then the program will calculate discount in the…
Structure: the structure is a group of different data types. In this program, there is a structure called "student" it contains rollno, name, marks of five subjects. These are different…
Array (single dimensional array) : An array is a group of elements of same data types. This program will accept 5 subject marks and it will store them into an…