Bredth-first search algorithm is used for transversing or searching tree or group data structures.It starts at the tree root and explores all of the neighbor nodes at the present depth prior to moving on the nodes to the next level.
from collections import defaultdict #list representation class Graph: #constructor def __init__(self): self.graph=defaultdict(list) #function to add an edge to graph def addEdge(self,u,v): self.graph[u].append(v) #function to print BFS graph def BFS(self,s): #mark all the vertices as not visited visited=[False]*(len(self.graph)) print(visited) #created a queue for BFS queue=[] queue.append(s) #mark the source node as visited and enqueue it print("the append S is",s) visited[s]=True print(visited) while queue: #dequeue a vertex from queue and print it s=queue.pop(0) print(s) #get all adjacend vertices of the dequed #vertex s,if a adjacement has not been visited #then mark it as visited and enque it for i in self.graph[s]: if visited[i]==False: queue.append(i) visited[i]=True print("second visit",visited) #driver code #create a graph given in the above diagram g=Graph() g.addEdge(0,1) g.addEdge(0,2) g.addEdge(1,2) g.addEdge(2,0) g.addEdge(2,3) g.addEdge(3,3) g.BFS(2)