Admission form using Graphics
Form designing using C++ Graphics.
#include<iostream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int driver,mode; driver=DETECT; initgraph (&driver,&mode,””); moveto(250,2); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtext(“B A B A”); line(205,38,420,38); moveto(200,40); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtext(“COMPUTER EDUCATION”); moveto(330,80); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,2) ; outtext(“ADDMISSION FORM “) ; setcolor(15) ; rectangle(80,80,510,110); setfillstyle(1,2); floodfill(388,100,15); gotoxy(4,10); cout << “Date of add. :-“; gotoxy(4,11); cout << “Name :-“; gotoxy(4,12); cout << “Course :-“; gotoxy(4,13); cout << “Father’s Name :-“; gotoxy(4,14); cout << “Date Of Birth :-“; gotoxy(4,15); cout << “Address :-“; gotoxy(4,16); cout << “City :-“; gotoxy(4,17); cout << “ :- (O) (R) “; gotoxy(4,18); cout << “Qualification No:-“; gotoxy(26,19 ); cout << ” 10+12 Graduate Other/ Subjects”; gotoxy(4,20); cout << “Computer Qual. :-“; gotoxy(4,21); cout << “Institution :-“; gotoxy(4,23); cout << “I DECLARE THAT I SHALL BE ABIDE BY THE LAWS OF THE INSTITUTION”; gotoxy(60,25); cout << “SIGNATURE”; line(180,155,500,155); line(180,170,500,170); line(180,185,500,185); line(180,200,500,200); line(180,215,500,215); line(180,230,500,230); line(180,245,500,245); line(180,335,500,335 ); line(180,320 ,500,320 ); rectangle(215,255,280,270); rectangle(320,255,385,270); rectangle(530,6,630,110); rectangle(2,0,638,478); getch(); }