Java is an object-oriented programming language. Java language was introduced by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in the year 1991 and it was launched in the public in the year 1995. Before some years java was known as ‘Oak’. Java team Members are also known as ‘Green Team’.
In the year 2010 Java was acquired by Oracle Company(An American multinational company).
The core features of Java are:
- Simple
- Robust
- Object Oriented
- Secured
- Interpreted
- Platform Independent
- Multithreaded
- High Performance
- Distributed
- Java language is very simple to learn and the syntax is very easy to understand.
- Concepts of java are based on C and CPP Programming languages so if you know C and CPP languages then java is very easy for you to understand.
- Java is simple language because there were so many confusing topics in C and CPP but it has been removed now. Like Pointers, Operator Overloading etc.
- Java language is robust(powerful, strong) because it has strong memory allocation, automatic garbage collection, and exception handling as compared to the other programming languages.
- Java is Object Oriented means everything will be used with object and class.
OOPs Concepts:
- Object
- Class
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Java is secured- java is secured because JVM itself check the code at runtime.
.java file–> compiler –> .class file –> JVM —-> WINDOWS,MAC,LINUX
- Platform Independent – Java is platform independent means java source code can run on all the operating system(windows, mac, Linux).
- Hello World Program in Java –
class Abc { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("hello world"); } } Output: hello world